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The Network

Come and join us !

Have you experienced mental ill-health, or do you care for someone who has? The people who commission NHS and Social Care services for mental health need your help.The Commissioners want to hear what it's like using services, and how they could make them better. They listen to the Independent Mental Health Network, where people with experience of services can make their voice heard.



  1. Members suggest priorities to be tackled

  2. We meet to share experiences and research details

  3. We invite the relevant Commissioners, provider groups and other representatives to our IMHN meetings

  4. We decide what to ask the Commissioners to review

  5. Members attend relevant meetings with providers, commissioners, health professionals, select committees and other working groups

  6. The Commissioners respond and we monitor the outcome

  7. The Commissioners also ask us to help with setting up new contracts, and with monitoring existing providers

















How to join in

Get in contact to discuss how to join or to see how you can contribute, or fill in the online  membership form and arrange to come to a meeting if you can.

Meetings are difficult, can I help in another way? 
Yes, you can write or email, or join our online forum on Facebook or Twitter.


Do I, or the person I care for, have to be using mental health services right now?

I’m not sure, how can I find out more?
Contact the Independent Mental Health Network Coordinator
Guy Hill by


Mobile/SMS text 07305009869 






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