Members' stories
We have a once in a generation chance to shape the future of how you are involved in your care.
This anonymous survey is looking to understand how involved people are in the decisions made about their care and how they feel about being involved in the design of new services.
The Service User and Carer survey is for:
People currently or recently receiving care or treatment for their mental health with Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS Trust (SaBP).
Carers of people currently receiving care or treatment for their mental health with SaBP.
Link to the survey is here Your Mental Health Services - Who Holds The Power? Survey ( For more information, there is a video below. As part of the survey, you can enter a draw to win one of two £50 Amazon vouchers for taking part.
If you are a Surrey and Borders Partnership NHS trust member of staff or a volunteer - please use this survey to feedback As part of the survey, you can enter a draw to win one of two £50 restaurant vouchers for taking part.
Vlog 9 - Chris talks through the steering group meeting for the 'Who holds the power' project!
Karen tells us about her experience of living with ADHD
Wendy gives us an update on the project (Vlog 8)